Monday 9 December 2013

Miley Cyrus Twerks on Santa

Miley Cyrus
Here we go AGAIN with her wearing the CROP BRA top and the sling-shot bathing suit botto.Let me guess. . . on Easter she's going to be wearing this same costume, except it's going to have the Easter Bunny on it. And an on Valentines Day it'll be yet again this same costume of CROP BRA top and the sling-shot bathing suit bottom with big hearts all over it.Miley Cyrus Twerks on Santa Claus at 2013 Jingle Ball: Picture
Someone's on the naughty list. Miley Cyrus took the stage at KIIS FM's 2013 Jingle Ball Friday night, and entertained the crowd with several of her hit songs. But one move the headliner shocked fans with. The 21-year-old singer got her twerk on with Santa Claus.

Who the hell is the designer behind these 'train wreck' "uniforms" that she keeps coming out on stage with?!!! Whomever this person is . . . he must have 'Designer's Block', because he hasn't come up with anything different for her to wear for about a couple of years now. It's so PATHETIC! And she obviously does not have enough common sense to realize that she's doing the public an injustice by making us view her _ E_V_E_RY _S_I_N_G_L_E_ _ F_R_E_A_K_I_N_' _T_I_M_E. IN THESE ugly CROP BRA tops and SLING-SHOT bathing suit bottoms.You need to change it up.

Miley Cyrus
SO MILLY will you PALLLLeeeeeeze get a different look. Wear some hair extensions, wear some pants, wear a dress, wear a skirt, wear ANYTHING but not these ugly CROP BRA tops and this hideous SLING-SHOT bathing suit bottom, This 'uniform' that you've been wearing is hideous! You need to FIRE your wardrobe people and FIRE your designer,,,NO . . . I take that back! They all need to be placed in front of a firing squad, blind folded and then shot...
Miley just can't cut it with clothes. She has no stylist or taste from what I see. She could look so much cuter. She kind of looks like a boy actually.
She needs professional help before it's too late. The way she is acting is not normal and is unmoral. Her parents are the ones who should be responsible for what she has became. From other side - she is enough mature to understand what she is doing. She made her choice which will lid her down the hill if she will not stop.This is what happens when a child is given way too much, way too soon, by parents who are engulfed in their own careers and have not a SINGLE clue as to what their daughter is doing, who her friends are and what they are doing when they are together. What an embarrassment.

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